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Middle School Community Project Showcase

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Throughout the school year, eighth graders at Center Moriches Middle School have actively engaged in service projects to better the greater community. They have fulfilled volunteer opportunities, organized fundraisers and constructed meaningful projects as part of the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme.

On April 5, students displayed their projects at the annual Community Project Showcase and gallery walk. Family members and community leaders, including local legislators, interacted with students as they learned about their projects impacting Center Moriches and beyond. The community projects provided students with a unique opportunity to identify needs and address them through service learning.

Click here to view the photo slideshow.

Date Added: 4/9/2024

Monster Match Brings Drawings to Life

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Second graders at Clayton Huey Elementary School saw their artwork come to life in the building’s annual Monster Match with Center Moriches Middle School. The elementary students drew their own monsters, then their designs were sent over to the middle school. The older students then used the drawings as a template to sew customized stuffed animals.

Once the stuffed animals were finished, the middle schoolers presented them to the second grade classes. They even wrote children’s books about the made-up monsters and read them with their elementary school partners.

Click here to view the photo slideshow.

Date Added: 4/5/2024